3  Enhancements

A basic pedigree diagram consists of some simple symbols, connector lines and names. That’s fine for many purposes. A table listing the key elements of the pedigree diagram is a natural adjunct. The table may be simple and add a few bits of information not contained in the associated diagram.

To get started, load up the needed libraries.

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## Activate the Core Packages
library(tidyverse) ## Brings in a core of useful functions
library(gt)        ## Tables

## special libraries
library(kinship2)  ## Core package to calculate and plot
library(R.devices) ## External plot files (e.g., PNG)
library(tinypedigree) ## For the tiny_pedigree function

Consider how a few changes can enhance the interpretive value of the pedigree diagram.

3.1 Data table basics

As a quick review, the following columns are required for any pedigree diagram.

Multiple names in a cell under column name of the following table indicate synonyms for the column name.

column purpose comment



A unique identifier for every individual. Usually a name. But it can be a numeric ID.



Name of the individual’s father, if known. Otherwise NA. If a name is given, it must match one of the names in the ID column.



Name of the individual’s mother, if known. Otherwise NA. If a name is given, it must match one of the names in the ID column.



Identify the gender of each individual. Valid entries: (1=male, 2=female) or (male, female)

The first two people in the table should have NA for the dad and mom columns.

3.2 Symbol enhancements

There are three basic ways to change the appearance of the symbols used for each individual in the pedigree diagram. Note that hilite and color interact.

Multiple names in a cell under column name of the following table indicate synonyms for the column name.

column name default comments




0 = no stroke

A binary value (0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE, no or yes). NA is not allowed.

Places a diagonal slash through the symbol. This is always a thin black line.




0 = no fill; only symbol outline

A binary value (0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE, no or yes), or NA.

Whether or not to use the color value to fill the symbol. If 0, symbol outline uses the color value. A NA value places a colored question mark inside the symbol instead of a fill.

color “black” A color name or color value. The fill is solid.

Note that you can use uppercase or lower case or a mixture for yes, no, true and false.

You use these enhancements by adding columns to the main data table. Each row in the table (i.e., individual) will receive a value in the column for the enhancement.

Here is an example.

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## Family relationship
data <- read_csv(col_names=TRUE, show_col_types=FALSE, file=
    "ID,      dad,   mom,   gender, stroke, hilite, color
     Bill,    NA,    NA,    male,   YES,    YES,    darkolivegreen2 
     Mary,    NA,    NA,    female, YES,    YES,    lightsalmon1    
     Frank,   Bill,  Mary,  male,   NO,     YES,    lightsalmon1   
     Mike,    Bill,  Mary,  male,   YES,    YES,    lightsalmon1   
     Peter,   Bill,  Mary,  male,   NO,     YES,    darkolivegreen2
     Carol,   NA,    NA,    female, NO,     YES,    darkolivegreen2 
     LaVerne, Peter, Carol, female, NO,     YES,    darkolivegreen2
     Karen,   NA,    NA,    female, NO,     NA,     black
     Samuel,  Frank, Karen, male,   NO,     YES,    lightblue
     Susan,   NA,    NA,    female, NO,     NO,     black")

## Create a table
  tab_source_note(source_note="Source: Demonstration data")
ID dad mom gender stroke hilite color
Bill NA NA male YES YES darkolivegreen2
Mary NA NA female YES YES lightsalmon1
Frank Bill Mary male NO YES lightsalmon1
Mike Bill Mary male YES YES lightsalmon1
Peter Bill Mary male NO YES darkolivegreen2
Carol NA NA female NO YES darkolivegreen2
LaVerne Peter Carol female NO YES darkolivegreen2
Karen NA NA female NO NA black
Samuel Frank Karen male NO YES lightblue
Susan NA NA female NO NO black
Source: Demonstration data
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## Link married without children
links <- read_csv(col_names=TRUE, show_col_types=FALSE, file=
                     "id1,  id2
                      Mike, Susan")

## Generate the pedigree data structure (with no-children couples)
tiny_pedigree(data=data, links=links)

3.3 Chart appearance

There are two parameters that can be supplied to the tiny_pedigree function.

textsize: The value controls the relative size of the type used for the names. Mostly, you’ll use this to make the names smaller. Try values between 0.6 and 0.9.

symbolsize: This makes the symbols larger or smaller. Useful values range from 0.8 to 2.0.

fold: This is a binary parameter. If TRUE, the names are separated at spaces and put on separate lines. This is very useful when you have long names.

Here is an example of the previous pedigree diagram with smaller symbols and names.

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## Use the results from the previous chunk.

## Smaller names and symbols
              textsize = 0.7,
              symbolsize = 0.7)

You can see that this will be useful when you have a lot of long names and plenty of people.

3.4 Presentation tables

Pedigree charts and presentation tables go together. Yes, that’s been said before, but it’s important so it is being repeated here. Tables generally present more information than is needed to generate a pedigree diagram. Also, some of the pedigree information may not be needed in the table. Put simply: the chart and table share some information but each is valuable in its own right.

There are a few things that help make a presentation table look professional and which contribute to its usefulness.

Columns. You have control over which columns of your master data table are shown the presentation table. Specifically, you can drop (hide) columns that are not needed in the presentation table.

Column names. The master data table is the focus. Columns store the data. The columns used for the tiny_pedigree function have specific names (e.g., ID, dad, mom, gender, color). Those column names can be changed when showing data in a presentation table.

Column formats. There are quite a few format options with the gt package. The most important are likely the date formats.

Colored data values. One or two individuals might be highlighted with color in the pedigree diagram. You can highlight the same people in the presentation table. You can use this color coordination to call attention to some specific attribute shown in the presentation table.

Footnotes and data sources. Columns, as well as individual data values, can be footnoted. It is also a good practice to put the source of the data in every presentation table.

Some of these enhancements is shown in the following pedigree chart along with its presentation table.

In this example, the input for the main data table is divided into two parts that are later merged. This separates the data for the required four columns (i.e., ID, dad, mom, gender) from the optional, enhancement columns. The ID column, common to both tables, is used to unite the two input data tables.

One person is highlighted in both the presentation table and pedigree diagram.

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## Read the basic data
data1 <- read_csv(col_names=TRUE, show_col_types=FALSE, file=
    "ID,      dad,   mom,   gender
     Bill,    NA,    NA,    male
     Mary,    NA,    NA,    female
     Frank,   Bill,  Mary,  male
     Mike,    Bill,  Mary,  male
     Peter,   Bill,  Mary,  male
     Carol,   NA,    NA,    female
     LaVerne, Peter, Carol, female
     Karen,   NA,    NA,    female
     Samuel,  Frank, Karen, male")

## Read the supplemental data
data2 <- read_csv(col_names=TRUE, show_col_types=FALSE, file=
    "ID,      dead, born, died, city,    hilite, color
     Bill,    YES,  1902, 1978, Chicago, yes,    gray
     Mary,    YES,  1904, 1992, Tampa,   yes,    gray
     Frank,   NO,   1928, NA,   Memphis, yes,    darkolivegreen2
     Mike,    YES,  1930, 1943, Chicago, yes,    gray   
     Peter,   NO,   1932, NA,   Chicago, yes,    gray
     Carol,   NO,   1935, NA,   Chicago, yes,    gray
     LaVerne, NO,   1958, NA,   Chicago, yes,    gray
     Karen,   YES,  1929, 2005, Memphis, yes,    gray
     Samuel,  NO,   1955, NA,   Memphis, yes,    gray")

## Merge the two data sources
data <- merge(data1, data2, by="ID")

## Obtain the current year
current_year <- year(today())

## Calculate the ages of the individuals
data <- data |>
  mutate(age = case_when(
         is.na(died) ~ current_year-born,
         TRUE ~ died-born))

## Put together source note
note <- paste0("Source: Demo data; Last updated: ",current_year)

## Generate presentation table
gt(data) |>
  cols_hide(columns = c(dad, mom, gender, dead, hilite, color)) |>
  cols_label(ID = "Jones Family") |>
  sub_missing(missing_text = "") |>
  tab_footnote(footnote = "Last or current residence",
    locations = cells_column_labels(columns=city)) |>
  tab_footnote(footnote = "Age at death or current age",
    locations = cells_column_labels(columns=age)) |>
  tab_style(style = list(cell_fill(color = "darkolivegreen2")),
    locations = cells_body(rows = 3)) |>
Jones Family born died city1 age2
Bill 1902 1978 Chicago 76
Carol 1935 Chicago 88
Frank 1928 Memphis 95
Karen 1929 2005 Memphis 76
LaVerne 1958 Chicago 65
Mary 1904 1992 Tampa 88
Mike 1930 1943 Chicago 13
Peter 1932 Chicago 91
Samuel 1955 Memphis 68
Source: Demo data; Last updated: 2023
1 Last or current residence
2 Age at death or current age
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## Create the pedigree  
tiny_pedigree(data=data, textsize = 0.9, symbolsize = 0.9)   

3.5 Generating external charts

The R.devices package is used to generate the external chart files.

The use of the devEval function is shown at the end of the following chunk. There are some properties to note.

"png" is the graphic file type to be generated. “pdf” is an alternative.

filename is the full name for the graphic file. The name should include the proper extension (e.g., “.png”). This file will be put in the figures folder inside the current folder.

width defines the width of the image being created. This works with the units value.

units has either “in” or “cm” as its value.

res is the dot density. It’s likely this will always be set at 300 (for dots per inch).

{tiny_pedigree(data=data)} This re-runs the pedigree generation inside the devEval function. Note the use of curly braces. They are necessary! If other parameters have been used (e.g., (data=data, links=links, symbolsize=0.8), this information should be inside the curly braces, too.

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## Basic data
data <- read_csv(col_names = TRUE, show_col_types=FALSE, file=
    "ID,    dad,  mom,  gender, stroke, born
     John,  NA,   NA,   male,   1,      1902     
     Mary,  NA,   NA,   female, 1,      1904      
     Bill,  John, Mary, male,   0,      1928     
     Hank,  John, Mary, male,   1,      1930      
     Andy,  John, Mary, male,   0,      1933      
     Ruth,  NA,   NA,   female, 0,      1935      
     Jane,  Andy, Ruth, female, 0,      1958")

## Add data to the main table (constant for all individuals)
data$color  <- "lightsalmon1"
data$hilite <- "yes"

## Print a table
gt(data) |>
  cols_hide(columns=c(dad,mom,color,hilite)) |>
    footnote = "values: alive = 0; dead = 1",
    locations = cells_column_labels(columns=stroke)) |>
  tab_source_note(source_note="Source: Demonstration data")
ID gender stroke1 born
John male 1 1902
Mary female 1 1904
Bill male 0 1928
Hank male 1 1930
Andy male 0 1933
Ruth female 0 1935
Jane female 0 1958
Source: Demonstration data
1 values: alive = 0; dead = 1
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## Generate and plot the pedigree data structure

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## Save the diagram as a PNG file (in the figures directory)
        width=7.5, units="in", res=300,
[1] "figures/basic_test.png"

3.6 Color legend using a pedigree diagram

We can use the pedigree diagram to show a set of colors if we interpret the column names broadly (not as family relationships). Here, three examples show some of the colors that might be useful in enhancing symbols with a fill color.

This might not be an ideal format for a legend to the colors, but in the context of a working research document, it is an easy adaptation for an often needed documentation element.

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## Read the data
data <- read_csv(col_names = TRUE, show_col_types=FALSE, file=
  "ID,             dad,   mom,    gender
   brown,          NA,    NA,     0
   orange,         NA,    NA,     1
   cornsilk3,      brown, orange, 0
   bisque3,        brown, orange, 0
   peachpuff2,     brown, orange, 0
   sandybrown,     brown, orange, 0
   goldenrod2,     brown, orange, 0
   darkgoldenrod3, brown, orange, 0
   orange2,        brown, orange, 0")

## Make the color from the ID, fill the symbols
data$color <- data$ID
data$hilite <- 1

## Generate the pedigree legend

Brown to Orange with low saturation

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## Read the data
data <- read_csv(col_names = TRUE, show_col_types=FALSE, file=
  "ID,              dad,   mom,    gender
   red,             NA,    NA,     0
   green,           NA,    NA,     1
   indianred2,      red,   green,  0
   salmon,          red,   green,  0
   darksalmon,      red,   green,  0
   rosybrown3,      red,   green,  0
   darkolivegreen2, red,   green,  0
   olivedrab3,      red,   green,  0
   darkseagreen3,   red,   green,  0")

## Make the color from the ID, fill the symbols
data$color <- data$ID
data$hilite <- 1

## Generate the pedigree legend

Red to Green with low saturation

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## Read the data
data <- read_csv(col_names=TRUE, show_col_types=FALSE, file=
  "ID,              dad,   mom,    gender
   blue,            NA,    NA,     0
   yellow,          NA,    NA,     1
   lightsteelblue1, blue,  yellow, 0
   lightskyblue2,   blue,  yellow, 0
   lightcyan3,      blue,  yellow, 0
   lemonchiffon2,   blue,  yellow, 0
   lightgoldenrod2, blue,  yellow, 0
   khaki2,          blue,  yellow, 0")

## Make the color from the ID, fill the symbols
data$color <- data$ID
data$hilite <- 1

## Generate the pedigree legend

Blue to Yellow with low saturation

3.7 Case_when statements to add a column

Most often, you’ll simply code the values used for the pedigree chart into the master data table. This is simple and straightforward.

You can also write some code to create values in your data table. The case_when statement is a good way to do this.

The case_when statement lets you look at values in a column and, if there is a match to some desired value, add a value to another column. This can be very useful as a way to add selective color coding, for example, to a pedigree chart.

The syntax of a case_when statement can appear to be confusing at first. Here are a few hints to get started in the context of master data tables used for pedigree diagrams. Once you see the pattern, you can imagine a number of other situations where this will be useful.

Goal: Add a value to a data table column (target data column) based on the value for an individual in a different column (test data column).

One or Multiple Test Conditions: A condition is tested for each row’s test data column and, if TRUE, a value is assigned to the target data column for the row. Multiple tests can be made with each resulting in the assignment of a different value.

Value Assignment. A single value is added to the target data column with each test that yields a value of TRUE.

Default Condition: If none of the test conditions are met, there is a default value that is assigned to the target data column.

The next example shows how this works. The target column is color. The test conditions are based on the age column. Three age ranges (above 50 and between 40 and 50, and below 40) each get a color assignment. The lowest age class is shown here using the .default option. Notice the slight difference in syntax (“~” vs “=”).

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## Read the data
data <- read_csv(col_names=TRUE, show_col_types=FALSE, file=
      "ID,   dad,   mom,  gender,  age
      Bill,  NA,    NA,   male,    72
      Ruth,  NA,    NA,   female,  69
      Fred,  Bill,  Ruth, male,    51
      John,  Bill,  Ruth, male,    49
      Jill,  Bill,  Ruth, female,  46
      Andy,  NA,    NA,   male,    54
      Jane,  Andy,  Jill, female,  22
      Mary,  Andy,  Jill, female,  18")

## Add color value based on age
data <- data |>
        mutate(color = case_when(
          age > 50 ~ "darksalmon",
          age <= 50 & age >= 40 ~ "bisque3",
          .default = "gray90"))

## Create a presentation table
gt(data) |>
  cols_hide(columns=c(dad, mom, gender)) |>
  tab_source_note(source_note="Source: Demonstration data")
ID age color
Bill 72 darksalmon
Ruth 69 darksalmon
Fred 51 darksalmon
John 49 bisque3
Jill 46 bisque3
Andy 54 darksalmon
Jane 22 gray90
Mary 18 gray90
Source: Demonstration data
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## Add a hilite column to fill the symbols using the color
data$hilite <- TRUE

## Generate a pedigree diagram