6  Functions

7 Functions

7.1 tiny_pedigree

Show the code
tiny_pedigree <- function(data, links=NULL, 
## Convert all the data fields to lowercase
names(data) <- tolower(names(data))

## Rename from old or alternative notation
if("status" %in% colnames(data)) {data$stroke <- data$status}
if("dead" %in% colnames(data))   {data$stroke <- data$dead}
if("fill"   %in% colnames(data)) {data$hilite <- data$fill}
if("sex"    %in% colnames(data)) {data$gender <- data$sex}
if("father" %in% colnames(data)) {data$dad    <- data$father}
if("mother" %in% colnames(data)) {data$mom    <- data$mother}
if("highlight" %in% colnames(data)) {data$hilite <- data$highlight}

## Check the data fields; add the default values if not present
"%!in%" <- Negate("%in%") ## create the operator  
if("color"  %!in% colnames(data)) {data$color  <- "black"}
if("stroke" %!in% colnames(data)) {data$stroke <- 0}
if("hilite" %!in% colnames(data)) {data$hilite <- 0}

## Convert yes/no to binary values
data$affected <- NULL
data$hilite   <- tolower(as.character(data$hilite))
data$affected <- case_when(
  data$hilite == "yes"   ~ 1,
  data$hilite == "no"    ~ 0,
  data$hilite == "true"  ~ 1,
  data$hilite == "false" ~ 0,
  data$hilite == "1"     ~ 1,
  data$hilite == "0"     ~ 0)

data$status   <- NULL
data$stroke <- tolower(as.character(data$stroke))
data$status <- case_when(
  data$stroke == "yes"   ~ 1,
  data$stroke == "no"    ~ 0,
  data$stroke == "true"  ~ 1,
  data$stroke == "false" ~ 0,
  data$stroke == "1"     ~ 1,
  data$stroke == "0"     ~ 0)

## Put in a line break to stack the names
   data$id   <- gsub(" ","\n",data$id)
   data$dad  <- gsub(" ","\n",data$dad)
   data$mom  <- gsub(" ","\n",data$mom)}
   ## Make sure the id1 and id2 are lower case
   names(links) <- tolower(names(links))
   links$id1 <- gsub(" ","\n",links$id1)
   links$id2 <- gsub(" ","\n",links$id2)

## Generate the pedigree data structure (without no-children couples)
if(is.null(links)){ped <- pedigree(id = data$id, 
                dadid    = data$dad, 
                momid    = data$mom, 
                sex      = data$gender,
                status   = data$status)} else {

## Generate the pedigree data structure (with no-children couples)
## Create the code (4 for spouse)
links$code <- 4
## Make sure the id1 and id2 are lower case
names(links) <- tolower(names(links))
## Process the pedigree
ped <- pedigree(id       = data$id, 
                dadid    = data$dad, 
                momid    = data$mom, 
                sex      = data$gender,
                status   = data$status,
                relation = links) }

## Number of rows
n <- nrow(data)

## Plot the pedigree chart
     cex        = textsize,
     symbolsize = symbolsize,
     col        = data$color,
     density    = c(-1, -1, -1, -1), ## all sections solid!
     affected   = data$affected)

  } ## End function tiny_pedigree